Jeff Rowe

Jeff Rowe

Jeff Rowe retired from Fortune 500 Dover Corporation in 2015. Jeff started his career in Paper Product Sales with The Procter & Gamble Company, and also spent time with General Electric’s Aircraft Engine Business Group, and with Xtek, a manufacturer of aftermarket components for heavy industry, prior to joining Hydro.

Jeff led Dover’s Hydro Systems Company subsidiary since 1998, serving as President and CEO. The culture which Jeff and his leadership team created at Hydro became legendary within Dover Corporation for its unique “one for all and all for one” orientation, and for the extraordinary focus which the company maintained on treating employees like owners.

The Hydro business grew by more than five times in sales and earnings during Jeff’s leadership of the company, leveraging the emphasis which the leadership team placed on recruiting and developing great talent to execute against a simple, tightly-focused business strategy.

Jeff has long held a passion for helping young people discover their deepest passions and career aspirations, as well as for assisting business executives in transition. He now serves as Executive Vice President and Owner of NVR (Nunan Vogel and Rowe). In fact, the College-to-Career Coaching program which NVR offers leverages many of the learnings from a service Jeff and his team at Hydro provided to children of the company’s employees.


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