Varying WordPress Local Development Environment

A local development server has become essential to working with WordPress. There are many different options for users to use such as MAMP/WAMP, Vagrant/VVV, Homestead, Docker, etc.  Over the last year while working as a WordPress developer with clients and at my position in higher education, I have found Vagrant or VVV (Varying Vagrant Vagrants ) to be a streamlined tool that enables a rapidly built development environment on both Mac and Windows. I will be discussing why to choose Vagrant, and how Vagrant can aid you in streamlining your local development environment process. In additional I will be demonstrating how to install Vagrant and what tools can be used to quickly generate the local web development environment for your specific project. So bring your computers and questions. By the end of session you will walk away with a local development environment you can leverage to accelerate your WordPress projects.
